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Cindy McElroy is a young adult novel writer, owner of Breezy Way Publishing and blogger. The Teenager with a Chameleon Soul is her first book. Furthermore, she is currently writing the sequel to it. Cindy loves to write humorous yet emotional novels about young adults experiencing young adult things. Her emphasis is to always include a character with special needs to raise awareness. That is where her blogging s comes in. She will blog about a particular current topic in the special needs arena to support families with special needs children.   

She’s the wife of a firefighter, and the mother of three children and a mini Golden Doodle, but she’s also been a special education teacher, a camp counselor and police decoy. She does her best writing when she’s beach camping, or her kids are asleep or at school. If she’s not writing or with her family, she’s reading, doing yoga, water skiing, snowboarding or SUP boarding near her home in Ventura County, California.  


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